Merci au professeur Reuven Hazan, directeur du departement de sciences politiques de l’Université de Jérusalem d’avoir accordé aux amis Français un brillant moment d’analyse sur la situation politique actuelle en Israël. Ce fut une soirée formidable et nous remercions Anne-Marie Mitterrand pour son hospitalité et son soutien inconditionnel.
Reuven Y. Hazan is a Professor at Hebrew University in, and former Chair of, the Department of Political Science. His research focuses on the interplay between electoral systems, political parties and legislative studies. He is on the editorial board of several major journals, such as Party Politics and the Journal of Legislative Studies, and serves on the Executive Committee of the ECPR (European Consortium for Political Research). He has published several books (most recently, Democracy Within Parties, Oxford 2010), edited multiple volumes (most recently, the Oxford Handbook of Israeli Politics and Society, Oxford 2021), and written dozens of articles in journals such as Comparative Political Studies, Electoral Studies, Legislative Studies Quarterly, Journal of Theoretical Politics, Political Geography, West European Politics, among many others.